Our Team

Our team of inquisitive and curious minds are dedicated to advancing a people-focused approach to science and discovery. We believe that every new study brings with it the potential for new discoveries and that the most powerful questions begin with asking why and how.


Edith Chen, PhD | Co-Director | edith.chen@northwestern.edu

Greg Miller, PhD | Co-Director | greg.miller@northwestern.edu

Research Staff

Johanna Dezil | Project Coordinator | johanna.dezil@northwestern.edu

Claire Fisher | Research Study Coordinator | claire.fisher@northwestern.edu

Sarah Germer | sarah.germer@northwestern.edu

Robin Hayen | Project Coordinator | robin.hayen@northwestern.edu

Jungwon Kim | Research Technologist II | jungwon.kim@northwestern.edu

Jayson Law | Research Study Coordinator | jayson.law@northwestern.edu

Hee Moon | Research Technologist II | hee.moon@northwestern.edu

Vanessa Obi | Research Study Coordinator |vanessa.obi@northwestern.edu

Veronica Passarelli | Research Technologist III | veronica.passarelli@northwestern.edu

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Michelle Chen |Michelle.A.Chen@northwestern.edu

Alexa Freedman | alexa.freedman@northwestern.edu

Tao Jiang | tjiang@northwestern.edu

Graduate Students

Phoebe Lam |

Undergraduate Students

Alexis Boe | alexisboe2021@u.northwestern.edu

Vicky Chung | VickyChung2024@u.northwestern.edu

Jenna Einhorn | jennaeinhorn2025@u.northwestern.edu

Shanti Gallivan | shantigallivan2024@u.northwestern.edu

Karis Liu | KarisLiu2025@u.northwestern.edu

Anita Lo| AnitaLo2026@u.northwestern.edu

Zidi Mu | zidimu2024@u.northwestern.edu

Kayla Park | kaylapark2026@u.northwestern.edu

Lauren Wang | LaurenWang2025@u.northwestern.edu

Audrey Zhou | audreyzhou2025@u.northwestern.edu